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2 Day Hands-On Quantum Transformational Healing Course

Quantum Cranial Activation is a gentle, non-invasive technique whereby the practitioner uses his/her hands to clear, energise and balance the human and environmental energy fields thus promoting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The magic happens when the neural pathways are clearing back to the point of origin and turning the polarity on the stuck energies....

Are You A Ruminator? A Tendency To Overthink?

Are you aware of the hidden dangers of your rumination? Whilst is may be healthy to reflect upon our experiences, over constant, obsessive, compulsive  self-reflection can harm us. Ruminating with being stuck in our thoughts can harm us. Ruminating can harm your well being. When you go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually...

Welcome to Quantum Transformational Healing

Welcome to Quantum Transformational Healing

Quantum Transformational Energy Healing with Melody on the Gold Coast … is a gentle, non invasive, advanced and fast-working healing method that deals directly with the root cause of your suffering (stress, pain, fatigue, etc). These and other physical problems and illnesses are symptoms of energetic blocks caused by mental and emotional suppressions. Energy Healing Gold...

Benefits of Quantum Transformational Healing

Benefits of Quantum Transformational Healing

Our modern world can often seem fixated on popping pills and injecting chemicals in order to try to stave off symptoms of health imbalance. But these are often temporary fixes which don’t address the real core problems. The side effects can be even worse than the relief. This is where Quantum Transformational Healing comes in....

Quantum Cranial Activation

Quantum Cranial Activation

Quantum Cranial Activation is an exciting energy clearing process to help become clearer about almost all aspects of life! Quantum Cranial Activation  is a ‘Hands-on’ transformation technique. Simply, by placing your hands on specific 33 points on and around the cranial area, we are shifting stuck energies that have been holding limiting points of view in...